Why robots, artificial intelligence and algorithms are a threat to our survival.
A re we on the verge of a digital Armageddon? What will become of the spiritual inheritance we have accumulated over thousands of years of civilisation? Will it lose all meaning? Will it be replaced or abolished once and for all? Are we living through death throes of our civilisation, facing a future unknown to us, as unknown as the role we are going to play in it? Are new technologies, algorithms and artificial intelligence leading us towards a form of
police state in which we are all subsumed into a single collective mind? Are we about to lose all agency as free, responsible individuals, enslaved and surveilled by the very devices we can no longer live without?
According to writer, lecturer and humanist César Antonio Molina, the greatest challenges humans currently face are those posed by the climate crisis, the
threat of nuclear war, or the new wave of authoritarian regimes taking power across the globe. Yet there is one more great existential threat we face: scientific hubris, and the thus-far unchecked development of technologies in the hands of unscrupulous private companies.
Are we ready to face the greatest technological revolution of all time? What Shall We Do With the Humans? is an attempt to answer this vital question, and a clarion call in defence of our civilization, culture, democracies, liberty and critical spirit.
César Antonio Molina takes on the naïve optimism of the theorists of trans-humanism, taking a stand against a digital realm devoid of regulation or privacy.