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The Complete Guide To Early Parenting
Original title: La gran guía de la crianza
Category: Non-Fiction | Parenting

The Complete Guide To Early Parenting

Original title: La gran guía de la crianza
Category: Non-Fiction | Parenting

A comprehensive handbook to guide you through pregnancy and your child’s early years.

There is no one way to be a ‘good parent’, since every family’s circumstances are different. There are, however, practices that have been shown to be ineffective, because while there is no such thing as the ‘right’ way to do things, there are some parenting strategies it’s best to avoid.

The Complete Guide to Early Parenting is an exhaustive handbook, accompanying you throughout the early parenting process, offering precise and detailed information to help answer the most common questions that come up along the way: from the pre-birth arrangements and bringing the baby home
for the first time, to how to take care of the baby during the first twelve months; from choosing the right school to how to share caring responsibilities within a couple; from sibling and grandparent relationships to how to deal with divorce.

Highlights The Complete Guide To Early Parenting


Alberto Soler and Concepción Roger, both psychologists specialising in early childhood offer an exhaustive guide to caring for children from pregnancy to the age of six.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 608 pages | ISBN: 978-84-493-4176-2 | Imprint: Ediciones Paidós

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