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In denfense of the vaccine
Original title: En defensa de las vacunas
Category: Non-Fiction
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In denfense of the vaccine

Original title: En defensa de las vacunas
Category: Non-Fiction

In this new book, pediatrician Carlos González dismantles, with his usual irony, the arguments of those who are against vaccines, and encourages parents not to be deceived and to continue protecting the health of their children. Vaccination, he asserts, is one of the medical practices that has prevented the most suffering, pain, and death. The history of vaccines is the history of the fight against diseases that for centuries have claimed a terrible toll in human lives. Some, like smallpox, have been conquered and no longer require vaccination against them. But others still lurk, and several industrialized countries have experienced outbreaks and epidemics of measles, diphtheria, or whooping cough when the number of unvaccinated children increased due to anti-vaccine propaganda.

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Colibri (Smaki)

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Publishing date: | 352 pages | ISBN: 978-84-8460-946-9 | Imprint: Ediciones Temas de Hoy

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