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The End of Fear
Original title: El fin del miedo
Category: Non-Fiction | Psychology
Forthcomming title, Faltan 30 días

The End of Fear

Original title: El fin del miedo
Category: Non-Fiction | Psychology

Is fear paralyzing you and limiting your decisions? It’s time to regain control!

Are you terrified of going out in the street or entering crowded places? Are you prey to inexplicable, irrational fears? We’ve all felt fear at one time or another, which is fine. It’s a problem, however, when fear continually manifests itself in our lives, interfering in our relationships and conditioning our decisions; in short, blocking us.

Through this manual, coach and anxiety expert Gio Zararri helps us regain control and shares practical and very useful strategies so that we can lead our lives without letting fear condition us. With his four-phase method, we will discover how our brain processes fear and how to manage it effectively. The key lies in assigning fear its appropriate value, in order to face it when necessary and, in this way, live confidently and without limitations.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 208 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-29046-9 | Imprint: Zenith