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What's up with Nutrition?
Original title: ¿Qué pasa con la nutrición?
Category: Non-Fiction | Health

What's up with Nutrition?

Original title: ¿Qué pasa con la nutrición?
Category: Non-Fiction | Health

The big debates on nutrition that need to be clarified.

In the face of so much contradictory advice on nutrition, it’s difficult to know these days which foods are genuinely healthy and should become part of our diet. By clarifying terms, setting boundaries and sensibly resolving doubts, Aitor Sanchez addresses in this new book the ten most controversial topics on nutrition - intermittent fasting, the keto and low-carb diet, the paleo diet, ultra-processed foods, real food and marketing, the vegan diet, the microbiota, gluten, dairy and supplements - and presents the latest scientific studies to settle the debate and clarify once and for all any doubts arising from so much contradictory information. Essential advice on how to establish priorities and apply common sense to nutrition.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 296 pages | ISBN: 978-84-493-4089-5 | Imprint: Ediciones Paidós