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Original title: Ecoansias
Irene Baños
Category: Non-Fiction


Original title: Ecoansias

Irene Baños

Category: Non-Fiction

This is the story of a person who could be any of us. A person who has heard that time’s up for us, and that we’re mortgaging the future of generations to come. This person starts losing it. How do I know what to buy? What to eat? Why should I stop eating meat when others go away for the weekend on their private planes?

“Dude, don’t be an ecofreak,” she used to tell herself. But it was no use. Instead of getting frustrated, she decided to share her experience in this book. As Irene Baños reveals, there’s no point in getting upset about a responsibility that overwhelms us; instead we should make little changes to our bad habits and rethink the things that seemed innocuous to us not so long ago: the way we eat, dress, travel, shower…

With humor and wry realism, this book explains the present situation without falling prey to catastrophism or paralysis. Beyond interviews with experts, it contains facts and tricks that tell the whole story behind many of the half-truths that terrify us while offering reasonable alternatives to combat the present crisis without being an ecofreak.

Highlights Ecofreak


A work that does away with the illusions of sustainability they try to fob off on us and defends our habits as consumers. Not just for the planet, but for our own wellbeing.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 256 pages | ISBN: 978-84-344-3184-3 | Imprint: Editorial Ariel