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Original title: AntropOcéano
Category: Non-Fiction


Original title: AntropOcéano
Category: Non-Fiction

Caring for oceans to save life

An essential book about our seas and oceans and the future of the planet, avoiding catastrophism and providing solutions to preserve them

AnthropOcean is the ocean of our era, an ocean on which the human species has left its mark. Our lifestyle impacts oceans, but what affects them also affects us all.

In an accessible, clear way, through real stories and based on the most cutting-edge scientific studies, this book explains to us the problems facing the world’s oceans, what has caused these problems and the positive actions that are being taken to remedy them.

Because not only can we reverse some of the environmental mistakes we have made, but we can make the ocean our best ally to mitigate the effects of climate change. It is time to wake up and act.

Highlights AnthropOcean


An illuminating and instructive popular science book, which addresses a timely topic by way of the most advanced research.


The author is a young oceanographer whose research on the impact of microplastics in the ocean is receiving important international recognition.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 256 pages | ISBN: 978-84-670-6585-5 | Imprint: Espasa