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Real Hero. Gamers' School 3
Original title: Real Hero. Escuela de Gamers 3
Category: Children & YA

Real Hero. Gamers' School 3

Original title: Real Hero. Escuela de Gamers 3
Category: Children & YA

Rubén, Verkan, Oli, and Flynn will have to return to the XY Directory to undertake a new mission: discovering who the Realists are.

A new year is about to begin in Gamedonia, but Rubén isn’t back with good news. During his most recent adventure, his laptop entered into contact with the tachyon generator and now it not only stores all the videos he’s recorded in the past, it also records the future. And what he has discovered is terrifying: it seems that a strange organization, the Realists, is preparing a terrorist attack.

Rubén, Oli, Verkan, and Flynn will have to undertake a new mission, this time in the real world, which will require all their abilities to discover who the Realists are and what they are truly planning.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 256 pages | ISBN: 978-84-270-4557-6 | Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca

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